Directions to Wolf Laurel Stables in the Preserve at Wolf Laurel
, Burnsville, NC 28754
We are located about 25 miles north of Asheville, North Carolina in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
From Asheville: Take I-26 west (toward Tennessee) to Exit #9 and follow US 19/23 towards Burnsville for 8.2 miles. Turn left and stay on Scronce Creek Road for 4.8 miles to the entrance of “The Preserve at Wolf Laurel” on the left.
From Burnsville: Take 19E South seven miles and turn right on Scronce Creek Road. Go 4.8 miles to the entrance of “The Preserve at Wolf Laurel” on the left.
Since we are located at an higher elevation than Asheville, temperatures are typically 10-20 degrees cooler than in the city. Please dress accordingly!
From the Blue Ridge Parkway: Exit the Parkway in Asheville and Follow I-26 West from Asheville.